Cllr Jan Goodeve arranges set-up of new picnic benches




A Year 9 class at Simon Balle School in Hertfordshire took part in a Digital Surgery on 7th June 2021. They met with Jan Goodeve, Councillor on East Herts District and Hertford Town Councils for Castle Ward.

During their conversation, Councillor Jan Goodeve asked the students “what changes would you like to see in the local area?” One student suggested that they would benefit from more picnic benches and the other students in the class agreed. Subsequently, Jan explained she could look into the feasibility of more being installed.

By the end of the month, Jan told The Politics Project that “Our parks team have agreed to add a couple of accessible benches as requested…to the older children’s play area on Hartham Common.” In order to ensure consistency with the other park furniture, they have taken a few weeks to source, but should be installed imminently.

Simon Balle’s Politics teacher Jenny McGovern said “thanks so much for passing on the information about the park benches - I’ll forward this information onto the students involved and I’m sure they will be happy that their ideas have made an impact.”


Anna Wadecomplete