Cllr Angeliki Stogia connects students with Manchester Youth Council




On 1 July 2021, Year 9 students at Whalley Range 11-18 High School took part in a Digital Surgery with Cllr Angeliki Stogia.

During the surgery, Angeliki offered to connect the school with the Manchester Youth Council so students could get involved in local politics.

Following the surgery, Angeliki put The Politics Project in contact with the Engagement Coordinator at the Manchester Youth Council who offered to to arrange a meeting with Whalley Range:

“Our team can arrange a meeting with your school and young people if you would like us to update you on our opportunities for youth voice and social action in Manchester, or support a youth voice group in your school”

Whalley Range 11-18 High School is now in touch with the Engagement Coordinator and we look forward to hearing about the opportunities which students will get involved in in the next academic year!


Anna Wadecomplete