Gyda chefnogaeth a chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fersiwn penodol i Gymru o'n rhaglen Cymorthfeydd Digidol yw Deialog Ddigidol: Cymru, sy'n tynnu ynghyd fyfyrwyr a'u cynghorwyr lleol a’u Haelodau o’r Senedd.

Supported and funded by the Welsh Government, Digital Dialogue: Wales is a Welsh specific version of our Digital Surgeries programme, bringing together students and their local councillors and Members of Senedd.

Mae’r rhaglen yn cefnogi diben ‘dinasyddion egwyddorol a gwybodus’ y Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru, ac mae’n hawdd ei chynnwys mewn gwaith addysgu bob dydd, fel rhan o astudiaethau Bagloriaeth Cymru, TGAU Dinasyddiaeth a Gwleidyddiaeth Safon Uwch.

Mae 100% o’r athrawon a’r gwleidyddion sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn rhaglen beilot Deialog Ddigidol: Cymru eisiau cymryd rhan unwaith eto, a byddent yn awyddus i’w hargymell i’w cydweithwyr.

Mae'r rhaglen yn cymryd pedair awr addysgu i'w darparu, gyda thair awr wedi'u neilltuo ar gyfer gweithdai ac awr ar gyfer sesiwn y ddeialog. Bydd gan athrawon sy'n cymryd rhan fynediad at ddau ddigwyddiad Deialog Ddigidol: Cymru, un gyda chynghorydd lleol, a'r llall gydag Aelod lleol (etholaeth neu ranbarthol) o’r Senedd. Mae'r holl adnoddau myfyrwyr ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.

 Mae'r rhaglen yn rhad ac am ddim i ysgolion.

The programme supports the ‘ethical, informed citizens’ purpose of the new Curriculum for Wales and can be easily integrated into everyday teaching, delivered as part of the Welsh Baccalaureate, Citizenship GCSE and A Level Politics.

100% of teachers and politicians who took part in Digital Dialogue: Wales pilot want to do so again and would actively recommend it to colleagues.


The programme takes four teaching hours to deliver, with three hours dedicated to workshops and one hour to do the dialogue session. Teachers taking part will have access to two Digital Dialogue: Wales  events, one with a local councillor, the other with their constituency or regional Member of Senedd. All student resources are available in English and Welsh.

The programme is free of charge for schools.

For more information on how Digital Dialogue: Wales is delivered take a look at our
Digital Surgeries programme.


Y Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford yn ateb cwestiwn gan fyfyriwr yn Ysgol Gyfun Radur

First Minister Mark Drakeford answers a question from a student at Radyr Comprehensive

Adborth myfyrwyr am eu sesiwn Deialog Ddigidol

Student feedback about their Digital Dialogue session

Sarah Murphy AS yn ateb cwestiwn gan fyfyriwr yn Ysgol Arbennig Pont y Crychydd

Sarah Murphy MS answers a question from a student at Heronsbridge Special School


Digital Dialogue: Wales was a fantastic experience for our students. The lessons that we used in the run up to the event were really useful in developing our students’ political understanding. The session with Mark Drakeford was a really enlightening experience, the fact that the students were able to devise their own questions gave them an insight into how Mr Drakeford thinks. We can’t wait to do another digital dialogue event!

Anna Knight, teacher at Radyr Comprehensive School