Our work
Digital Surgeries
Through our flagship Digital Surgeries Programme, we have reimagined the politician school visit.
Select Committee Engagements
Through our Select Committee engagements we have created new ways for young people to be meaningfully consulted.
We support a range of partners to design and deliver bespoke programmes and events for politicians, teachers and young people.
WE have WORKed WITH:

Democracy Classroom, is a partnership of over 40 non-partisan, democratic education organisations. We collectively support schools, teachers and practitioners to engage young people in elections. Head over to the Deemocracy Classroom website for the hub of over 600, free, non-partisan resources, ongoing training opportunities and collaborative events.
Visit Democracy Classroom for election resources from over
30 organisations.
VISIT democracy classroom →
Our Impact
Our 2021 Impact reports
Read about our latest work in our 2020/2021 impact reports.
Read about our work from some of our partner schools and organisations.
Read about the pledges politicians have made
as a result of our programmes.